Published on July 15, 2006 By _TAPPER_ In WinCustomize Talk
OK, this isprobably a dumb question but I'm going to ask anyway.  I can no longer download any WB skins.  Correction,I can no longer INSTALL wb skins.  My subscription has expired and at this time I cannot renew.  Is this why i can download but not install?
on Jul 15, 2006

Is this why i can download but not install?

The simple answer in regards to installing is no (downloading might be however) ....what happens when you try to install it?

on Jul 15, 2006
I havethe file sownloaded to a folder and when i dbl click the wba file absolutely nothing happens.  Ive checked and all the stuff is there but will not install.  This is weird
on Jul 15, 2006
Open WBconfig and try the 'Add Skin' button.......
on Jul 15, 2006
Same story.  It will show as a wba but when i dbl click it acts like it is going to work but about 1 second later it reverts to the config screen
on Jul 15, 2006
Unzip the file to a temp folder and see if it has a UIS file.
on Jul 15, 2006
Yes they do. When i click on it it opens in skin studio.
on Jul 15, 2006
What skin is it?
on Jul 15, 2006

Ive tried several. Though not all are from WC.






As you see not all are from here.  I used to be able to download and click on run instead of save to...but now that feature also doesn't work.  I'm using wb 4.5

on Jul 15, 2006
Just tried that with jazzymjr's butter blue and nothing happened.  Perhaps i need to uninstall and reinstall wb?
on Jul 15, 2006
Just tried  neutronium and it worked fine. Did you have Object Desktop or stand alone WB? 
on Jul 15, 2006
I have Object Desktop.  (expired last month)
on Jul 15, 2006
email me
on Jul 16, 2006
As you suggested, did an uninstall and reinstall.  All is well.  Thanks