Published on August 19, 2005 By _TAPPER_ In WinCustomize Talk
I see many of you using walls that have been recolored but have been unable to find a tutorial or other info on how it's done or what prog to use. If anyone could help me out I would appreciate it.
on Aug 19, 2005
The tutorial would be specific to the program your using to recolor the wall. The easiest thing I know to do is adjust Hue and Saturation. I use Paintshop Pro but you could use Photoshop or most any decent graphics program except paint.
on Aug 19, 2005
Thanks Lantec, now i know what i need to start
on Aug 20, 2005
It's easy if you have Photoshop or any other decent graphic designer. It's all about Hue,Saturation,Lightess,Levels,Gamma,Brightness and Contrast. In Photoshop all these are under menu Image>Adjustments.
on Aug 20, 2005
Gimp 2.2 has all the color tools that PSP and Photoshop have and it is free.