Published on September 27, 2005 By _TAPPER_ In WinCustomize Talk
Recently I have noticed a lot of WinAmps in the SS that are transparent even though it is not in the skins properties. Could someone tell me how this is done? I've looked in other posts but cannot find anything directly related to WinAmp.


on Sep 27, 2005
Winamp 3x and 5x support .tga files which allowes good transparency. Version 2x only accepts 'magic' pink for the transparency.
on Sep 27, 2005

Version 2x only accepts 'magic' pink for the transparency.

Nope...WA 2x uses a region co-ordinates list to tell the proggy what not to draw.

If you use magic pink in your skin you will just have a magic pink skin...

on Sep 28, 2005
I use Glass2k to make the classic winamps transparent, you have to be careful switching back to modern skins with Glass2k loaded, causes winamp to lock up